Woman smiling at dentist

Dentures for Newbies

Getting your first set of dentures can be a life-changing experience...for the…

important dental symptoms

Three Dental Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Your mouth has many ways of letting you know that something has changed or may be…

fixing tooth discoloration

Interpreting the Rainbow of Tooth Stain Colors

While tooth stains don't come in all the colors of the rainbow, they come in a few,…

Girl pointing to tooth at dentist

Three Bad Habits That Are Terrible for Your Teeth

Oral bad habits and compulsions continue into later childhood or develop in…

Woman smiling with white teeth

Do Charcoal Teeth Whitening Products Work?

One of the most popular ones we’ve seen lately is using activated charcoal paste to…

prevent bad breath prevent tooth decay

Three Ways to Prevent Bad Breath

Bad breath can be a notoriously sneaky and therefore embarrassing issue. You might…